October 27, 2009

Found: Halloween Treats in Paris!

Paris is amazing for the senses- every one of them. I can’t think of any other place I’ve ever been that is more of a hotspot of stimulation, whether it’s the honking cars, the scent of fresh pastries baking nearby, the metro trains screeching to a halt, a crusty piece of bread in hand, or the glistening lights of the city’s countless monuments. One thing I try to do being the eternal tourist that I am and therefore photographing all the time, is to capture what I see to then be able to share it with others. Wouldn’t it be grand if we could capture smells and feelings to share with others?
Having the sweet tooth that I do, I think it only appropriate to talk sweets in this inaugural post. Taste buds rejoice upon entrance in France, as every mouthful of food consumed here seems a harmonious fusion of flavors not replicated elsewhere. As Halloween will soon be upon us, and my nostalgia for days of dressing up in custom costumes made by Mom creeps into my daily thoughts, what excitement you can imagine I felt when I saw a small but charming patisserie in the 12th arrondissement paying homage to one of America’s favorite holidays. Ghosts and jack-o-lanterns gracing one of France’s most famous art forms? I couldn’t believe it. It’s true, they aren’t nearly as pretty as the traditional tartes and gateaux (see photo), but for the short life of the treat after purchase, it was a joyous melding of my two favorite worlds: home and Paris.

Honoré Pâtissier
237 Rue de Charenton
75012 Paris
Tél :